Life lessons from (my sweatshop aka apartmet) Sewing Part II:
1. Solids are your friend. I have noticed (and you might have too) I am drawn to patterns. Not solids. I litterally forced myself to purchase some to go into the paintbox.
2. I am no palm reader but I believe your fabric choices are reflected in your interests / lifestyles. Here goes:
Brenna (me!) - Adores patterns and colors - Her life is busy and shes always trying to look at the brighter side of things (see photo above)
Georgia (MOM) - Sucker for pastels and greens - Although not timid she likes to keep the peace between people (family members and friends included); green's shes been ecofriendly since the 60's, plus shes a gardener!
Chelsea and Matthew - Blue and Gold for Chelsea (GO MARQUETTE), Orange and Scarlet for Matthew (GO SCOTS; see log cabin below). These are what you call super fans. If you have never seen these types turn on ESPN during a college sporting event. They take 'crafting' to a whole new level.
--Need your sewing/ crafting descions of your unconcious mind anyalized ;o) let me know!
Superfans tend to force their children, signifcant others, families, strangers into their FAN-dom. BEWARE!
3. TAKE YOUR TIME. I cannot stress this enough. The quilt will last forever, so skipping steps here and there may add up at the time. The finished project is what you have to live with. If your okay with a wonky log cabin that was meant to be traditional, cheers to you my friend. (still one of the hardest concepts I have yet to grasp..)
Remember me?? I was so tiny last time we saw each other!
4. Find ways to channel your sewing creativiy. This is an expensive and addicitng hobby (ask my poor mother.) Be green: reuse household items (old bed sheets, jeans, mens ties *see previous post*) Otherwise you'll begin shortening your grocery list and becoming the old lady who lived in the quilted house! On a brighter note: I'm thinking cutting down on the groceries might do my girlish figure some good. Plus fat quarters, jelly rolls, honey buns, and turnovers are great subsitues for fat, carbs & protien...RIGHT?! (if that went over your head check out
mmm...fabric fruit! Healthy & calorie free!
5.I highly recomend watching movies, tv shows, listening to music, ignoring the world while your busy on your latest project. Music gets creative jucies flowing and is just as relaxing as sewing. Personally I dance around a bit and use my iron as a micophone, but I have a feeling this is mildy dangerous. If you have a laptop some good websites to have on while you are 'going at it' are: > you can catch up on the latest TV shows you missed, or there're some movies > one of my top 5 favorite websites! you just type in what you want to listen to and it does the rest best part of all..........
drum roll please...
Finals week is quickly approaching, this being said they're will probably be one more post before mid may. then a whole slew of them this summer!
Keep up the great work! :o)
OMG love the comment about super fans!! Literally laughed out loud and then had to share it with Ana. If you ever want to change your career and write for a magazine. I would forever read your column. They keep me intertained!